A “tip lift” could be the next big thing in plastic surgery

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By Webdesk

Tip lift nose jobs are trending in the world of plastic surgery.Image source: Getty/Inarik and photo illustration: Michelle Alfonso

The world of cosmetic and plastic surgery is constantly changing. Some things (not all, but some) that were cutting-edge five years ago may very well be outdated now – that’s how fast things move. A good example of this is the new and improved “tip lift” procedure. Rhinoplasties have been around for over a hundred years – bet you didn’t know the first recorded one was in 1887 – so it stands to reason that methods and techniques have changed a lot of. The tip lift is the next step in this great evolution of rhinoplasty.

This isn’t a traditional rhinoplasty – it’s a minimally invasive surgical procedure that slightly lifts the tip of the nose, creating a small but impactful change. Ahead, Barry Weintraub, MD, a renowned board-certified plastic surgeon in New York City, shares more about the specifics of a tip lift.

What is a Tip-Lift Rhinoplasty?

There are two different types of traditional rhinoplasty: open and closed rhinoplasty. But a tiplift is something completely different. “[It’s a] surgical procedure that, as it sounds, gently lifts the tip of the nose,” Dr. Weintraub tells POPSUGAR. Unlike a standard rhinoplasty, it doesn’t address other things like bumps, nostril size, or just general nose shape — just the tip.

“Manipulating cartilage, using certain sutures, and creating a columellar strut or septal extension grafts provides structural support to give the tip an ever-so-gentle lift,” he says.

Unlike some procedures that require updating or redoing later in life, a tip lift is truly permanent because “the structures are permanently reconfigured and sewn into place during surgery.”

Tip-Lift benefits and who is a good candidate

Whether you opt for a tip lift over a traditional rhinoplasty is a matter of desired results. If your only concern is the tip of your nose, a less invasive lift may do just fine.

“Because deep, downturned tips are typical of older individuals, a tip lift can take years off someone’s face as it reflects more of a youthful profile,” says Dr. Weintraub. “The goal is a natural, understated side profile that illuminates a downward, convex, awkward, point-down point.”

Sometimes, surgically speaking, addressing the tip is all you need to restore harmony and balance to the face. In some cases, however, a tip lift can be combined with other procedures. “Often I will perform a tip lift in conjunction with a face lift, and the impact of it is significant.”

Tip-Lift Rhinoplasty Risks

The risks of this procedure, especially when compared to a traditional rhinoplasty, are minor. “Because the nose has excellent blood supply, bleeding and infection are rare,” says. Dr. Weintraub. This is only helped by the fact that the area being worked on and the stitches required to complete the surgery are both small.

“Excessive bleeding is controlled during surgery by an injection of a substance that narrows the blood vessels,” he says. In addition, sterilization during surgery is performed by intravenous antibiotics.

What to expect during a tip-lift rhinoplasty

You need medical approval from your doctor to get the tip lift procedure. It is also recommended, as with many surgeries, to avoid blood-thinning compounds, such as aspirin, for two weeks beforehand.

“The surgery itself generally takes less than an hour with the patient under general anesthesia at dusk,” says Dr. Weintraub. After that, you can walk outside under the supervision of a family member or friend to go home and rest. “[You’ll] having sponges in each nostril and being able to sleep normally in bed, and making sure you stay well hydrated,” he says.

The sponges, which support the nose internally as it heals, can be removed by a doctor three days after surgery.

Before and after a Tip-Lift Rhinoplasty

Tip-Lift Rhinoplasty Surgery Recovery

A short recovery time is a major advantage of the tip-lift procedure – this is because it manipulates only the cartilage of the nose. Dr. Weintraub says, “Very little bruising occurs, and swelling is minimal.” For 10 days after surgery, it is recommended to avoid strenuous exercise or activities that can raise your blood pressure.

To keep your skin protected, Dr. Weintraub that applying sunscreen daily is a must. “In some cases, there is no external scar if the tip lift is done in a ‘closed’ fashion,” he says. If a small incision were required to access some structures during surgery, the wound would be closed with microscopic loop augmentation. a tuft of hair This leaves an almost invisible scar.

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