From the Disgusting Brothers to Stewy’s Future, 8 “Succession” Spinoffs We’d Love to See

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By Webdesk

Whether he knows it or not, Tom has – through his own estimation, Shiv’s influence or Lukas’ leadership (via Shiv’s influence) – amassed a powerful block atop the company that could threaten his power, starting with Gerri. Waystar’s respected general counsel and one-time interim CEO has coveted the big job behind the Roys, and she’s never had a clearer path to it. “Between Matsson and her, Tom is putty,” Gerri portraitist J. Smith-Cameron recently told Elle.

And she has some powerful allies: Waystar PR head Karolina and Gerri’s frequent collaborator on “Can you believe these assh*les?” looks, and Shiv, who may never stop cooking over Tom’s run over her back to become CEO. No matter what the trio can do (which is a lot); what they know could bring down Tom and/or Lukas with one email.

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