Is justice for slavery possible?

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By Webdesk


On Tuesday, May 23 at 19:30 GMT:
Heirs of Slavery is a new group of activists who have banded together to advocate for steps to restore the legacies of transatlantic slavery in the UK. They are also all descendants of the people who benefited from and supported that slave trade.

Together they advocate an apology, atonement and restorative justice for slavery in Britain. Their work follows a new impetus in global efforts to seek reconciliation and reparations for the legacies of slavery. The Dutch government apologized for its historic role in slavery at the end of 2022, while British King Charles recently expressed support for an investigation into the British monarchy’s involvement in slavery. While signs of progress raise hopes, says British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak recently declined calls for an apology from the government for Britain’s involvement in slavery and colonialism.

In this episode of The Stream, we discuss the latest efforts to seek restorative justice for slavery in the UK.

In this episode of The Stream we participate:
Laura Trevelayan @LauraTrevelyan
Co-Founder, Heirs to Slavery

Call Ribeiro-Addy @BellRibeiroAddy
Labor MP, Streatham
Chairman, African Reparations APPG (All-Party Parliamentary Group)

Uju Anya @UjuAnya
Professor, Carnegie Mellon University


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