Justin Kirk Says What We’re All Thinking About A ‘Weeds’ Reboot: They’re ‘Trying To Drag His Tired Carcass Out’

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By Webdesk

“Even as a fan, do you really want to see us all grow old and come back?” Kirk wondered. Kohan’s pitch for the ninth season, which has been rumored since 2019, would see the Botwin family revisit 10 years after the finale – Kirk isn’t exactly impressed. The actor recalled the original ending: “By the time of season eight, I don’t think the general idea was, ‘We’ve got to keep doing this!'”

Kirk downplayed the validity of the ganja gossip saying, “I had heard rumors of several iterations (of a reboot). I’ve heard it’s a prequel with younger characters, and then you just see us in flash forwards. So I have no idea. Although funnily enough I heard about it again recently so maybe they are trying to drag out its tired carcass.

Still, Kirk couldn’t completely rule himself out if the right idea (and deal) came up, saying, “There’s something exciting about seeing the people of something you love, no matter how much older you are. There’s something cool about that. There must be a story to tell, or a reason to do it. So we’ll see.”

For a show so focused on drug culture as Weeds, the recent shift in attitudes toward marijuana and other pastimes could present an opportunity for a new perspective of familiar characters — at least, that’s what the costumes at Showtime would have us think. If Kirk and the rest of the Weeds cast returns to the once great series, get ready for the show to be renamed Magic mushrooms with endless conversations about psychedelic therapy.

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