Protests in Guinea have killed at least seven people due to police gunfire

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By Webdesk


More peaceful demonstrations will continue as planned on Thursday, pro-democracy activists say.

An anti-government group is planning new protests in Guinea after its leaders said at least seven people were killed and 32 injured during demonstrations in the capital, Conakry and other cities.

Police in riot gear cracked down on protesters who threw stones and burned tires on Wednesday during the latest in a series of protests against the military government, which took power in 2021.

Small-scale protests also took place in Nzerekore, a town in the southeast, and in the central town of Dabola.

Opposition parties and civil society groups said in a joint statement that at least seven people were shot dead and 32 others suffered gunshot wounds.

They said 56 arrests had been reported and a second day of peaceful demonstrations would continue on Thursday.

The military rulers have not responded to the allegations.

There have been several protests in Guinea since the military came to power, some of which have turned deadly after clashes with heavy-handed security forces.

The military government is one of many in West Africa that has taken power in a series of coups since 2020 and is now flouting promises of elections.

Authorities in Guinea in October proposed a two-year transition to democracy, instead of a three-year timeline previously rejected by the regional political and economic bloc, the Economic Community of West African States.


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