Ten of the most disturbing things to serve for dinner

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Most of us don’t usually think about how disruptive our meals can seem to others. There are many with dietary restrictions, such as vegetarians, vegans, lactose intolerant, gluten intolerant or those with allergies. While hosting a dinner party, one may wonder if guests fall under these categories. However, the idea that a meal is bad or distressing usually doesn’t register on most people’s radars.

That said, there are indeed some meals that are considered bad in the eyes of those to whom it is served. We’ve put together a list of the most disturbing meals ever served for dinner.

Related: Top 10 Bizarre and Unexpected Foods from the Real Paleo Diet

10 foie gras

The term foie gras means “fatty liver” in French and it is a popular menu item in the European country. To produce this delicious meal through a process called “gastric tube”. Essentially “workers ram pipe down the throats of male ducks twice a day, pumping up to 2.2 pounds [1 kg] of grain and fat in their stomachs, or geese three times a day, up to 4 pounds [1.8 kg] daily.”

This process causes the bird’s livers to swell up to ten times their normal size. The birds are so overfed that they can barely stand on their own feet, and this type of feeding leads to a liver condition called hepatic lipidosis. Simply put, the process used to make this meal is inhumane and barbaric. Despite these inhumane practices being well documented, foie gras is still considered a delicacy in several European countries. On a side note, the sale of foie gras is banned in California and about a dozen other countries; New York City’s ban is still stalled in the courts.[1]

9 Fish Eyes

It may seem wrong to eat the eyeballs of another living creature as if you were eating the animal’s soul. However, fish eyes are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids and are delicious. They have been likened to a natural version of the “Gushers” candy, despite the obvious nauseating image it creates.

Fish eyes are considered a delicacy in many non-western countries. They’re packed with nutrients that are beneficial to the heart, eyes (oh, the irony), and brain. In addition, promoting the consumption of fish eyes will contribute to more sustainable fishing practices. While it may seem unsettling to some, this meal is actually a no-brainer.[2]

8 Smalahove

The Norwegian dish, smalahove, is a traditional meal made from a sheep’s head. It is a holiday dish usually served just before Christmas. A typical serving is half a cup; the ear and eye are eaten first, as these are the tastiest parts and best when still warm. The head is boiled or steamed for about three hours and served with mashed swede and potatoes. Some people like to cook the brain inside the skull, but others prefer to fry it and have it as an extra side.

Smalahove has been eaten in Norway for centuries and was originally popularized by the poor because the rich did not want or need to eat the head. They didn’t know then how delicious and full of nutrients it was, so it was easily accessible to the lower classes. While it is indeed disturbing to eat the head and face of another mammal, this is a popular menu item in Norway, and it doesn’t seem to be going anywhere for now.[3]

7 Calf Brain

This dish, known as cervelle de veau, is a delicacy in parts of Europe and Morocco and is made from calf brains. If prepared properly, the texture of veal brains should resemble that of scrambled eggs. However, there is no doubt about which part of the body is served when the plate comes to the table. It is often served with sole baked with beurre noir and capers.

This meal is said to be significantly tastier than beef brains, which are also popular in those same regions. Beef brains are said to be more mushy and lack flavor in comparison. While it may be culturally biased, it seems like a cruel and disturbing meal to prepare, and whether at home or in a professional setting has been the subject of discussion at many dinner tables for many.[4]

6 Bull Frog Sashimi

One of the most bizarre and disturbing practices in the world is the Japanese tradition of eating live frogs. There is a species of frog in Japan that is bred for consumption. Bullfrog sashimi, or “‘ikizukuri’, consists of a frog cut to order, some soy sauce and a slice of lemon on the side.” The frog is still alive while being devoured and has been known to look the restaurant in the eye and blink as its bones are picked clean.

A video of this trend went viral in 2012 and Fox News has covered the ongoing story ever since. The main factor in the debate is that the frog must witness its own demise, and that alone should be considered inhumane. So far, the meal has not been universally banned, but it is only available in a sparse number of establishments in Japan.[5]

5 Snake Wine

Not to overlook drinks in our list, snake wine has been consumed in China since the Western Zhou Dynasty (c. 1040-770 BC). Don’t let the name fool you; snakes are not used in the production of this spirit. However, they are used to infuse the drink. Rice wine and grain alcohol are bottled with a whole hose in many East Asian countries. Venomous snakes are usually used, but “the snake venom proteins are unfolded by the ethanol, and therefore the finished drink is usually, but not always, safe to drink.”

Originally used medicinally, it is considered the process of distilling and consuming the essence of the snake. Simply serving wine with a snake in the bottle may not be traditional, but it’s not the most disturbing thing imaginable. After all, Mezcal often has a worm in the bottle and has never been experienced as disturbing. Often, however, the snake lives in snake wine when the bottle is filled and corked, making this one of the most disturbing drinks to serve at dinner.[6]

4 Case Marzo

Usually people don’t want maggots in the kitchen or their food, with the possible exception that they go outside The Lost Boys and Kiefer Sutherland. However, once this complex Sardinian cheese undergoes a normal fermentation process, fly larvae are introduced. The maggots break down the cheese’s fats (think ingestion and excretion), making it soft and gooey.

While some people remove all maggots before serving casu marzu, others leave the tiny grubs as is, believing they add flavor. Cheese is a common appetizer at dinner parties, but cheese with maggots can be a bit distracting for some guests. Plus, you probably don’t want to get in trouble with the law. The cheese is illegal in almost every country and even hard to find in Sardinia.[7]

3 Blood Soup

Any soup in which animal blood is the main ingredient is considered blood soup. That said, there are many incarnations of this appetizer. Duck and pig blood are the most popular, but cows and oxen are also used to make this unsettling dish. “It thickens, it’s packed with nutrients, it’s readily available, and it’s not just for ritual sacrifice. Rich with a slightly metallic taste, blood from many animals is a common ingredient in the cuisines of many cultures.

Blood soup is a popular dish in both Korea and Poland, while many countries disapprove of it. Czernina, also called duck blood soup, consists of two main ingredients: poultry stock and duck blood. Although vinegar is often added to blood soup for flavor.[8]

2 Monkey Brain

We all remember that scene from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom when the cult pressured Jones to eat a monkey’s brain straight from its skull. Believe it or not, monkey brains have traditionally been eaten in parts of China and Southeast Asia because people believe they will be imbued with ancient wisdom. While it is a well-documented fact that humans have consumed the brains of other species over the centuries, there is much debate over whether the consumption of monkey brains in particular is still practiced.

In Western popular culture, its consumption is repeatedly portrayed and discussed, often in the context of portraying exotic cultures as exceptionally cruel, callous and/or strange. The chance that someone in the year 2023 will be surprised at a dinner party with a portion of monkey brains is unlikely. Yet even the thought of it seems unsettling.[9]

1 Guinea pigs

Most people would never think of consuming the fluffy and adorable pets known as guinea pigs. Unless, of course, you live in Peru, where the dish known as “cuy” is considered a delicacy and has become increasingly popular over the past decade. So much so that guinea pig farming has risen significantly, to the extent that it has helped lower-class farmers rise out of poverty.

Guinea pig farming has become one of the South American country’s most lucrative businesses, and people order the delicious critter by the plateful. “The meat is appreciated and tastes like a cross between duck and rabbit. When properly prepared, guinea pig meat is rich, fatty and flavorful, while the skin, when roasted over a hot fire, gives pork value for money.[10]

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